YALE PAINTINGMFA 2017 JUNE 16TH, 6-9 PMJUNE 16TH - JULY 8TH, 2017The Yale Art Crew 2017These happy few, this band of brothers and sisters, having departed from the lofty precincts of Yale with a shiny diploma and massive student debt, will show the …


MFA 2017


JUNE 16TH, 6-9 PM

JUNE 16TH - JULY 8TH, 2017

The Yale Art Crew 2017

These happy few, this band of brothers and sisters, having departed from the lofty precincts of Yale with a shiny diploma and massive student debt, will show the gentle viewer what they've got. What better place to begin their journey through the Dantean terrors and  Promethean pleasures of the art world than this former video store in Chinatown, directly across from the back end of the Tombs, run by a clever young woman old enough to be their sister?

As we beat against a rising tide of planetary ignorance,  take heart in these 'Infinite riches in a little room'. Here we have installed a few fragments of the new art generated by these agile young minds, rendered on paper and canvas, video, by any means necessary.  Blows, however delicate, against the Empire of Stupid. Beauty forced out in fits and starts and sudden leaps of faith or faithlessness, this fusion of elements, bright ideas refined by two years at Yale, spurred on by wise men and warriors and a few utter flakes who stormed the citadel of academe and nestle now in its branches, secure in their tenured cloaks, issuing their fiats about what is good art and what is not. Those augurs'  voices grow fainter as the clamor of real life takes over and this crew begin to create exactly what they want, first steps of a trek that we hope will generate much future dazzle, delight, and enlightenment.

"Begin to begin again, turning the inside out."

-Max Blagg