
Linnéa Gad

Mound Remover

Opening: Friday, May 11th, 6-9 PM

May 11th - June 10th, 2018


In her sculptures, prints, paintings and installations, Linnéa Gad transforms images and materials to recognizable yet ambiguous landscapes.

Growing up partly in the archipelago on an island, her father a seaplane pilot, Gad’s vision of an island landscape from above is ingrained in her. For her, landscape is an overwhelming visual experience where the brain has to abstract from an abundance of information. 

“It is with an anxious joy I look down at a landscape. In the obscurity of distance I meet the itching edge of my capacity to think and feel.” In Gad’s visual language, great distances simplify shapes, bringing softness and faded colors to the palette. 

While researching New Release’s neighborhood, Gad was struck by the topographical history of Collect Pond and subsequently the mound next to it. The popular pond, long gone with contamination; a sterile version recently resurrected. This loop of environmental disharmony in observing a specific locale has greatly molded Gad’s developing exhibition across the street.

Gad’s work reflects the idea of multiples (copy machines, slip casting, etching) but instead of making identical works, she identifies the mark making and integrity of the process to create, instead, unique pieces. 

Within her porcelain works, she forms shape and textures in clay, then transfers it to a plaster mold to make a porcelain slip cast. This process adds and removes layers of information to the objects. Other works in the exhibition include a set of aquatints as well as large-scale toner transfers on silk, which visualizes a printout of a reading on Visual Tourism and proposed museum islands in Abu Dhabi. This heavily Xeroxed document has slowly deteriorated its imagery, as the proposed museum islands have since then been realized. 

Mound Remover has been made possible with support from The Swedish Art Grants Committee.


Linnéa Gad was born 1990 in Stockholm, Sweden where she currently lives and works. She received her BFA from Parsons The New School for Design, as a JP Morgan Chase Scholar from 2009 - 2013. Her work was the subject of a solo exhibition Luster Pit at RØM in Copenhagen (2018), Soliloquy at 6BASE in New York (2017), Currently Remodelling at SBG31 in Stockholm (2016).
The artist has been the recipient of residencies and programs including the NYFA Immigrant Artist Program, Neo New York at The Cooper Union for Advancement of Science and Art, both in 2014. Most recently, in 2017-2018 Gad was a resident at the graphics workshop of Statens Værksteder for Kunst in Copenhagen.




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New Release is open Fridays - Sundays, 12-6 PM and by appointment